Saturday, September 24, 2022


I have plumbed the depths of despair with chronic shooting leg pains, back pains, watching the clock all day and all night counting the hours till the next pain pill. 

I am 55 now, it started when I was about 25. Maybe a racquetball mishap. I walked with my spine twisted for a few weeks after that but it slowly went away.

Years later it came back, a little worse and would last a little longer each time it came back.

A few years ago it hung around for about six months. I paid 4k out of pocket for non surgical spinal decompression, which seemed to do the trick. I was pain free after about 15 sessions. Strange thing is the guy told me it would be about 15 sessions...and then exactly 15 sessions later, I felt great.  I now think there is a very good chance that that was a placebo cure. I will get to that,

A few things you must know about pain in general, and the spine, and doctors, and the brain.

1) The spine is very strong and resilient and heals quickly.

2) The brain is in charge of all pain the body feels.

3) Bulging discs among people over the age of 30 are almost a given. Everyone has them, yet most people do not have back pain.

4) The Placebo effect is very real and well known to science: you can give someone a tic-tac and tell them it is a powerful pain killer and their pain will go away.

5) The Nocebo effect is also real and well known to science: you can give someone a heavy duty pain killing pill and tell someone that it it is a tic-tac and their pain will NOT go away.

6) Back specialists can take a look at 1000 spinal X-rays and MRIs with all sorts of horrible things in them--bone on bone vertebrae, bulging discs, ruptured discs, lesions -- and these back doctors cannot reliably predict which patients will have pain and which will not. Some with crazy damage have no pain, and someone with a slightly bulging disc has been in a wheelchair for 6 years.

7) Back surgery has a very low success rate. Often people will be fine for a while, then the pain comes back in some other part of their back.

The last time I had back pain it was taking the normal trajectory. I felt I was in for another few months of agony, but when my pain was at its apogee, the highest point in the arc and I knew I had many months to go, I sat in my kitchen, talking to myself, and the pain drained from a 9 down to a zero in perhaps seven seconds. And it did not come back.

Is this to say that back pain is all in your head?  Sort of, the pain is real, it is just a matter of what is causing it.  Your brain may indeed detect that something is off, or there has been some injury and the other knowledge surrounding spinal stuff kicks in and your brain gives you this very real pain.

So now I am gonna ask you to watch this video that John Stossel did on Dr. a John Sarno, who is a back pain specialist with probably the best record of actually curing people of their chronic pain JUST BY TALKING TI THEM.  

Here it is. Go. And continue on down the rabbit hole until your pain just goes away…it really really can happen.

Friday, September 23, 2022


Bryce Dallas Howard Says She Was Asked to Lose Weight Before Filming Jurassic World Dominion The actress said director Colin Trevorrow “protected” her after she was asked to “not use my natural body in cinema” 

Howard "How do I say this . . . [I've] been asked to not use my natural body in cinema," Howard admitted to the outlet. "And on the third movie, it was actually because there were so many women cast, it was something that Colin felt very strongly about in terms of protecting me . . . because the conversation came up again, 'We need to ask Bryce to lose weight.' "

Good grief is this one of these new STRONG women of the current era? I remember when the Phoenix Suns asked Charles Barkley -- hm, how should I say this... he was asked not to use his natural body to play basketball. Yes they had the audacity to tell him to drop some weight in order to compete with players who would tear him up if he was fatter and slower.  I believe simply complied.

What is the big deal exactly about some company paying you many millions of dollars and wanting you to look a little more ripped? So work out, get a trainer, lay off the junk food. Or let someone else do the job. The woman pictured below is a college softball player. There is zero doubt in my mind that she would play better if she was quite a bit leaner. Did the coach mention this to her? My money is on NO.

Here is the problem. Dallas Bryce Howard is not very out of shape if at all, but everyone today, especially women, are told that they have a natural body. And that it is beautiful. This is a lie. Humans are naturally lean and it is only through eating fun yummy processed foods that it gets flabby and fat. It's just very hard to stop eating those things as they are pushed on everybody by billboards, at parties, all day every day. Modern-day "food" is created with the express purpose of getting you addicted to it and it has worked. Our government, and indeed dietitians and doctors are telling people the wrong way to keep your body lean. They have been telling us the wrong things since about 1980 and it made everyone in America fatter. And when people are told to lose weight and they try this advice and it does not work, the answer must be, "Well my body just wants to look this way." 

This is wrong. Knock it off.

As a fellow human, you do not have a "natural" body if you are eating things that are not natural foods -- natural foods are meat, fruits, vegetables or nuts and seeds. No, "heart-healthy" grains are NOT heart-healthy, nor are they foods that keep your weight down. They raise your insulin which makes your body store fat. 

My recommendation to females who want to drop a few pounds is simply eat foods that do not raise insulin, like our human ancestors did. And stop being a puss about it. Good grief.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

You Know JAWS was Shot at Martha's Vineyard right?


Posted without comment.

Corpse found in home confirmed to be ex mayor of Rhode Island

Authorities knew immediately that the badly decomposed body was that of a politician because of the way it was lying.

I’ll wait….

Chipotle to pay $7.75 million in child labor law violation


I brought this suit because I was recently incapacitated with explosive diarrhea after eating a Barbacoa Bowl at my local Chipotle and my daughter was forced to spend 4 hours cleaning up after me. She is only 11 years old and this caused undue strain on the poor girl. 

So I am seeking punitive damages. Join me if you have had similar experiences.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Ukrainian Budget Defense Secret Finally Revealed - photo snapped during anti-aircraft operation...

Well, I am kind of angry that I did not figure this one out on my own. Apparently these Kirkland jobs work just as well as the regular brand name Tomahawk missiles that are so damned expensive.

Costco also lived up to its liberal return policy as Zelenskyy was seen at the East Kiev store with some burned-out tail fins and no receipt. They replaced them anyway. 

Just like my Air Pods!


Wow Has Texting Changed Over the Years!

When your twenty and you get a text…

Ding…oh it’s Becky.  Haven’t heard from her in a long time.  Oh, it’s her birthday. Party!

When your 55….

Ding… oh a text from Bob.  Haven’t heard from him in a long….oh it’s from Bob’s WIFE….oh, funeral services on Thursday….