Monday, September 12, 2022

Ukrainian Budget Defense Secret Finally Revealed - photo snapped during anti-aircraft operation...

Well, I am kind of angry that I did not figure this one out on my own. Apparently these Kirkland jobs work just as well as the regular brand name Tomahawk missiles that are so damned expensive.

Costco also lived up to its liberal return policy as Zelenskyy was seen at the East Kiev store with some burned-out tail fins and no receipt. They replaced them anyway. 

Just like my Air Pods!


Wow Has Texting Changed Over the Years!

When your twenty and you get a text…

Ding…oh it’s Becky.  Haven’t heard from her in a long time.  Oh, it’s her birthday. Party!

When your 55….

Ding… oh a text from Bob.  Haven’t heard from him in a long….oh it’s from Bob’s WIFE….oh, funeral services on Thursday….

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Pentagon temporarily suspends delivery of troubled F35 fighter jets after discovering…

…That a metal engine part was found to come from China.  

The discovery was made after a mechanic noticed that one of the parts seemed to be actually working correctly, for a change…it was then discovered that the part was not American.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Cops arrest influencer over 'inappropriate' photoshoot at ancient pyramid: '

Cops arrest influencer over 'inappropriate' photoshoot at ancient pyramid: '
Insulting the great Pharaonic history' 

In other words she besmirched the memory of brutal dictators who used slave labor to create giant piles of rocks. 

BAD GIRL! via @YahooNews

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Anti Republican Sentiment is Basically Anti Male Sentiment

Ever wonder why every nation in the world seems to have two main political parties battling it out through the decades, through the centuries? Well, check out this hypothesis...

I have been saying this for years and I hear others dipping their toes into it on occasion. Scott Adams for one. The idea that our political parties are simply outward projections of the two main types of humans: female and male. 

If I asked you which political party in America has a masculine energy and which has a feminine energy, what would your answer be? I think most people would say the Republicans have a more masculine energy, and the other, the other.

I think of Democrats as the nurturing "wipe your butt" party, and the Republicans as the tough-love "kick your butt" party. I am a "sometimes your ass needs wiping and sometimes your ass needs kicking" type of person, so both styles are necessary.

The "Republicans are evil" mantra from the Mainstream Media is basically anti-male.  

Yes, men do cause most of the trouble in the world, but most men are just trying to live their lives and do what's right by their families.

So bashing Republicans is ultimately bashing male energy and maleness. 

Maybe knock if off if you want things to be better in the United States eh?

Dave has spoken.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Unbearable Wokeness of Beings -- if everyone hates woke why does it persist?

  Why does the wokeness persist if EVERYONE seems to hate it? Let me just explore this on the page and see where it goes. 

Main thesis: the recent wokeness outbreak is explainable by a simple equation:

Toxic Femininity + Leisure Time = Wokeness

     Toxic Masculinity is a known term. Using violence to get one's way -- raping, pillaging, removing the baffles from the muffler on your GOD DAMNED HARLEY DAVIDSON! I'm talking to you, dickhead that lives on my street...where was I...ahh yes, there is also a thing we call toxic femininity. WHAAAAT? This is not possible...all impulses females have are wonderful and should always be encouraged and never put in check! Right? Well, on this blog I treat people equally, and as such, I can freely say that women can be equally as bad as men (and we men are pretty damned bad) in their own way. Well, what is this "toxic femininity" I speak of? 
     Most people who are not woke will agree that women, er--people assigned female at birth, are more nurturing and empathetic than their male counterparts, and also are less risk-taking than those fellas. An oddly troublesome bi-product of capitalism known as leisure time, has created affluence, and no other style of government has created more of this wealth (so much wealth in fact that poor people in the west are considered wealthy to past humans and most humans alive today in the underdeveloped countries) and this has allowed more people to sit around and ponder their existence and whether or not they are "self actualizing." 
     Before America existed, this was the purvue of the ultra wealthy. King Louis 14th might have done if he ever tired of banging hot young courtiers, but for the most part, humans spent their days trying not to starve, accidentally eat poison or get eviscerated by berserkers. They basically just had days filled with hoping not to not be eaten, raped or killed. And when night came, their tired (from hunting and gathering) bodies fell right into a deep satisfying sleep. 

Fast forward many thousands of years...

     Some would say that the reaction by most governments of the world to the Pandemic was toxically feminine in that protection and safety from a disease that most people did not have to worry about became by far the number one goal, to the detriment of simple things like, oh, say a functioning global economy and the mental health of school children. They sort of nurtured and protected us to death in some cases. 

Toxic Mom: Where your jacket. It's kind of cold outside.
Kid: I'm not cold. It's okay.

     I submit to you that people who I would make fun of and refer to as "woke" do not know they are woke. They are like those fish who never heard of water and have no idea what it is, they are often simply white people who are very proud of themselves for arriving at the conclusion, say, that black people are as valuable as anyone else. It's this no-shit-Sherlock-ism that is mainly relegated to the young. I remember thinking the same thing in my late teens and even twenties: Oh my God! Racism is bad...I need to shout this from the rooftops! If only others knew what I know! So we have that aspect, but also rolling around in the trunk someplace is the notion that "those other people are woke" but I am the "real deal." Much like saying, "Why, those other people are greedy! I'm not greedy though. I always try to pay full price for goods and services even though a discount is offered, and I usually turn down raises when offered by my's those OTHER guys that we need to watch out for."
     The word “woke” seems to be defined currently as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).” But it has kinda sorta evolved into a joke to suggest someone is basically using clever wording to lie and damage another person. I remember watching a documentary about those people who love nature so much that they set up a house inside a tree, so that the tree cannot be cut down by companies who are trying to develop the area. Of course I like idea of stopping unnecessary destruction of nature, but these people were taught that if anyone so much as gently touched them, maybe brush lightly up against them even by accident, they should then scream as long as as loud as they can to suggest that they are being injured or tortured. So they are basically lying. To anyone watching this happen, and indeed the participants, this is obviously lying. 
     I rarely hear someone use the word without meaning it as an insult. Like does ANYONE use it to praise someone? It seems like that is a big NO. So why is it hovering around the snack table ALL THE TIME! It's that annoying party guest that just won't goddamn leave. How are we going to get this thing to go home? 
     One way is simply to wait it out. It has already quickly become a joke, but then again the term Politically Correct is still hanging around. Wokeness seems to have evolved out of that old saying that everyone also hated. Look, I guess wokeness WORKS. For now. But if we all stay focused on the fact that we all hate it....we can defang this snake. Another way is to embrace it in the extreme. Like EVERYONE needs to mock gender pronouns but putting many of them in your email signature and hold people to them and NEVER admit that you are screwing around. 

Just putting that idea out there.

- Dave (Pronouns: Her Majesty, Her Highness)